Sunday, October 3, 2021

Assignment 7: Head Turn

Due Class 14

Animate a head turn that includes the head and shoulders.  The character can be one that exists (such as a Disney character or one from an animated series), or it can be an original characters.  They can be human or an animal, toony or realistic.  The animation can be rough, but it should be clean enough to make out the character clearly.

The head turn may include a Take, but it doesn't have to.

The character's expression and the Acting reason for them to turn their head is up to you.

Your character's starting and ending position is up to you, but the head turn should be dramatic enough to be clear.

When grading, I will be looking for:
  • Is the character on model?
  • Volume control
  • Use of Arcs - the character's head shouldn't just rotate in place.  Usually there's an upward or downward swing to it.
  • Timing/Spacing, Ease In/Ease Out - is the head turn too even?  Swimmy?  Too fast or with awkward pacing?
  • Overlapping Action/Followthrough - is there appropriate drag on any elements that hang or stick out from the character, such as hair, long ears, whiskers, antennae, popped collar, long jowls, etc.?